Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eco-Techo: The Story of Electronics (2010)

We've begun increasing the online presence of EcoTecho with twitter, digg, and youtube. Our latest blog post
Here's an excerpt: 
The "design for the dump" mentality is leading to expanding electronic waste. Companies are pushing products to market which are not designed to be used beyond the next innovation, and consumers are left with very few environmentally friendly choices. Annie gave the example of her old DVD player which would cost much more to fix than to purchase a new one, and we can all think of similar products which we have used ourselves.

Millions of products which use precious metals and toxic materials are poorly recycled, if at all, and negatively impact the communities located near the waste. Maybe it's time to design products to be modular, for a longer lifespan, and to proactively offer a product "take back" program.
If you like what I post, you can find me online by going to, where I have listed many of the online handles I use on social media sites.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eco-Techo: The "Green" Revolution

I've started a new series on one of my blogs, EcoTecho, which is called The "Green" Revolution. Over the following weeks I'll talk about the problem we face as an oil consuming society and explain the importance of renewable energy and sustainability.

Here's an excerpt: 

"...The most well publicised problem we face is the carbon emissions that are a by-product of burning fossil fuels. In order to use oil for energy, we must burn it to produce heat; the process of burning the fuel creates carbon dioxide, among others, which is a greenhouse gas. According to the majority of climate scientists, over the past century we have produced enough greenhouse gasses to significantly alter the atmosphere of the earth. Not surprisingly, increasing global populations and the industrialization of poor nations means we're headed towards even more greenhouses gas emissions.

The second problem we face, which is still not well known, is the depletion of oil reserves throughout the world. The oil that we use for energy can be burned very quickly but it is very difficult to make. The natural process which made the oil we use took a much longer time. Biomass, plants and animals, deep within the Earth must be compressed and/or heated under pressure for millions of years before it turns into oil...."

Posted via email from Faysalism


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